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ABCs of Fashion (Part 2)

Yay, you are back!! Did you like the last post? Well, even if you did not, you are here now, so let’s continue. Today I am going to be presenting to you the second half of the ABCs of Fashion (Griffith style). Without further ado, here are some aspects of fashion, alphabetized.

N – Neat 
Image result for neat outfit
Source: Pinterest
In order to be a fashionista, you need to be neat. Now, I am not saying there is anything wrong with wearing something that is oversized if, and only if, it can be worn that way. Wearing a button-down blouse to work is not professional and not cute. If your clothes do not fit, find a tailor.

O – Oversize 
Girls love to wear oversized sweaters in the fall and winter. It is a wardrobe staple.

P – Poise 
Image result for poise quotes
Source: Pinterest
Poise is all about how you present yourself. Act classy and determined, like you rule the world, and you can rock anything you put on. 

Q – Quality
Check the quality of your clothes, wherever you buy them, by checking the reviews. Especially when you buy from a site like SheIn where the clothes are inexpensive, but they can also be cheaply made. A good rule is not to buy it without any reviews being posted if it is from a sketchy website.

R – Replicate 
Have an outfit you saw somewhere? Want to copy it? DO NOT COPY IT. Instead, replicate it. (Here is one of my blog posts that is all about replicating.) You need to make it your own. Be a trendsetter, not a trend follower!

S – Smile/Shoes
Image result for you're never fully dressed without a smileImage result for cinderella shoes quotes
Sources: QuotesTime; Pinterest
I have two listed for the letter “S” because you cannot complete an outfit without a smile and some shoes. 😊

T – Trends
Keep up with the trends if you want to be “in style.” But, also remember to be original and true to yourself because you do not want to look back in thirty years and see what an actual atrocity of an outfit you were wearing. (I am talking about the 80’s if you cannot tell. *shutters*)

U – Unique 
Some of the best outfits are made by taking a risk. Even if they are completely out there, at least they are creative and unique.

V – Variety 
Variety is the spice of life. I know that *fill in the blank* is your favorite color, but it should not be the only color you own. Mix it up! Try new things and see what else can work for you.

W – Wardrobe 
Image result for wardrobe of clothes
Source: Pinterest
Buy clothes, but not outfits. A wardrobe is something you build over time. With a wardrobe, you are able to mix and match pieces to make new, different outfits. Do not wear something once and never glance at it again, then you do not have a wardrobe.

X – Xenophobic 
Take a look at what people are wearing around the world and use what you find as inspiration. Be open-minded, not xenophobic.

Y – Yellow 
Yellow is an underrated, but pretty color. There are so many shades for every season!

Z – Zeal
Be enthusiastic about your clothes and everyone else will be too. 😊

Well, folks, that is the alphabet of fashion! I hope you enjoyed, and I hope you learned something! 

Image result for fashion
Source: Odyssey

Until next time,
